The Deep Range

Signet Y5995











Collector Robert Weiner reports that Signet Y5995, shown at top, states the book is a First Printing, July 1974.

Well, that can't be right, he tells us, because Signet printed the book twice before, shown here as Signet S1553 (printed in 1958) and D2528 (printed in 1964). Signet usually did a very good job of documenting all printing runs.




Collector Chris Hoth wrote me explaining that the Signet book in question was a first CANADIAN printing. New American Library of Canada has evidently been around since 1957, and it was not uncommon for them to reprint a U.S. Signet novel and call it a "First Printing" for their label.

AND ...

Here's another cover: Signet AE2361, contributed by Dusty Wallace.




Robert sent the top scan. The third scan is from Brian Maginnity.